Why is Sale Coaching important?
Coaching creates leverage by empowering sales professionals to solve their problems, improves selling skills through personalized and targeted coaching plans, increases win rates by focusing on specific opportunities, accelerates new-hire ramp-up time through immediate feedback on critical selling skills, helps sales managers grow and develop as influential leaders, and ultimately improves overall sales results.
Why is Training Important?
Training has a direct impact on your organization’s productivity and performance. Training gives your team members a better understanding of their responsibilities and the knowledge and skills they need to perform their roles at a high level. Providing Training also helps to reduce turnover. New team members often receive training as part of the onboarding process. But refreshers (Continued Education) on the information they learned in that training are valuable. The lessons often are easier to digest once employees are more familiar with the organization and their own roles. A good Training and Development program can help team members build on strengths and address deficiencies identified in their performance reviews.
Training & Coaching
Who in your shop can benefit from Training and Coaching?
Loan Officers
Real Estate Agents
Broker Owners*
*Ask about our Leadership Training & Development program. This is a great coaching tool for your current and future leaders.
We focus on the entire Sales Cycle while deep diving into:
Production knowledge
Mortgage Transaction Processes
Credit Report Review
Organizational Skills
Marketing & Building Relationships
Fine-tuning I&P Skills